Dad & the Cream Cheese, Lettuce and Tomato
I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot lately. Maybe because it was just father’s day or maybe because his would be 71st birthday is coming up soon, but I also think it’s because I’ve been talking to a lot of people about their experiences with their fathers or step-fathers and I’ve heard the full range of the best to the worst. It makes me really thankful that my dad fell on the scale of the best.
Mandarin Orange Chicken
Sometimes comfort food means cooking what your mom used to make when you were a kid. Today’s recipe is just that. She didn’t make it too often but I was always excited when she did. If I had my way, I would have just eaten the rice and the sauce. Of course now that I am an adult and I run my own household, I can do what I want, but I admit nothing. Nothing!
Chuck Steak Shepherd’s Pie
It has been quite cold the past week. The cold and rainy weather is making me crave all things comfort food and the other night the comfort dish I was craving was Shepherd’s Pie. But I really wasn’t wanting Shepherd’s Pie with ground beef so I decided to give it a go with chuck steak instead. It took a bit longer than if I had used ground beef but the result was so worth it and the hands on time was minimal. Alternatively this is a great way to use up leftover pot roast.
Sunday Gravy
I think it might be time to share my Sunday Gravy with you. I mean, we’re friends right? You’ve been hanging in there with me through all the times when I have dropped off the radar and you’ve cheered me on when I’ve made my comebacks. I think you deserve Sunday Gravy.
Now if you’re not down with the whole Italian-American thing you might be asking, “What the heck is Sunday Gravy?” Don’t worry, I’m here to help with that. Sunday Gravy is a slow cooked tomato sauce that uses meat as it’s base. It’s not a bolognese and it’s not a ragu. It is still, for me, primarily a tomato sauce and is served over pasta (fresh if at all possible). Sunday Gravy should make the whole house smell like if you walked into the kitchen you would expect to find a whole clan of Italian Grandmothers stirring the pot. It is rich and satisfying and one mouthful makes you feel like you’re wrapped up in Grandma’s hand crocheted quilt. Really. Sunday Gravy is that good.
Red Wine Braised Lamb Shanks
Today, friends, I have a fantastic weekend dinner for you. One that you let cook all afternoon and then sit down with good wine and good company to savor. It’s the kind of dish you take a bite of and melt right into. The kind where you take your time to eat and drag it out because there’s good food, good wine and good conversation and you have nowhere you’d rather be. These are my favorite kind of meals.
Split Pea and Ham Soup
Winter is quickly approaching here in Australia. I love winter cooking! It gets colder and you want to turn the stove and oven on and you crave the hot bowls of soup and stew.
Last week we had a rainy coldish day and I jumped right on it with an easy one pot winter meal. Split pea and ham soup did the trick! Pea and ham soup is a great one to make when you’ve had a big family ham dinner and have a bone left over. However, no need to wait until then to whip up a pot. Check with your butcher for ham hocks (I’ve seen them call bacon hocks here too) or go to the deli and ask there. Many times they will have ham bones on hand. I found mine at Queen Vic Market in the deli hall. He was quite happy to sell it to me and there was still a fair bit of meat on the bone.